How to Tell Her He’s Cheating?

3 min readDec 13, 2020


Last night, someone asked for my advice on what to do when her partner doesn’t give her time anymore. Here it is. If you feel like he’s not giving you time the way he did before, tell him. If you think there’s something he’s hiding, ask him. Don’t be a woman who keeps guessing about the whereabouts of her guy. Communication helps relationships to be healthy.

And if he’s a man enough, he will tell you everything you want to know. A real man commits fully to his partner. He doesn’t cheat and is loyal. But remember, every relationship takes hard work. It is a two-way street. And as a woman, always follow your instincts. If you feel in your gut and heart that something is wrong, usually there is.

We women are believed to have stronger intuition than men because our brains are hardwired for it. Some studies can confirm that women tend to have higher intuition. We don’t need to ask other people if we’re just being paranoid or sensitive as it will only cloud our judgment. If your partner keeps avoiding and telling you he’s busy whenever you ask him to join you for family gatherings but attends events with his friends, trust me, that’s not normal. Men like that have something to hide.

I remember when the girlfriend of one of my closest friends messaged me about random things. I’ve been nice to her and we exchanged messages that led to a friendship. She confessed and told me that the reason why she made friends with me was that she thought her boyfriend has another woman, and that woman was me. I was taken aback by her revelation. I didn’t think that my closeness with his boyfriend made her jealous. I have guy friends but I’ve never been a third party. So I told her that she doesn’t have to worry about me. But as a woman, I know how it feels to be jealous of something I can’t confirm because first, men avoid the questions like, “do you have another girl?”, second, as other people say, the truth hurts and you’re not yet ready to hear it yet.

After we talked I realized, I need to confess to her too. I haven’t been totally honest with her about her boyfriend. I told her that I am not the girl she needs to worry about but confirmed her suspicion has a basis. I stopped right there and told her that she has to ask her boyfriend because I won’t give the full details. But before this, I talked to my friend, her boyfriend that if he wouldn’t tell her girlfriend about the other girl, I will. I knew that my friend was having an affair and I won’t tolerate him. So the girl asked my friend about it and he confessed. He told her that he made a mistake but he is willing to make up for her. Fortunately, the girlfriend forgave him and gave him a second chance.

It is not easy for us to forgive people that hurt us. It takes courage to forgive and be with them again. But for me, when your partner lies to you, it means he doesn’t trust you enough to handle his shits with you. And that leads to cheating as they

start to feel that you can’t be trusted with their issues but trust other people instead. And if that happens, ask yourself what is it with you that he can’t comfortably share his problems, issues, or secrets. Are you a nag? Controlling? But remember, men who cheat are weak as they don’t have self-control. And sometimes, they cheat because they think that their partners always hurt their ego.




“I love self-publishing. I want to share my thoughts, personal experiences, and why I do what I do. I want to tell the world my euphoria.”