Five Life Hacks That Changed My Life

4 min readNov 9, 2020


These life hacks that I am about to share with you have been making my life more efficient. And since living alone means I need to do everything on my own, these hacks often save my time and money.

  1. Do not make a to-do list

A to-do list doesn’t work for me at all even if I wanted to be “organized”, and I just can’t, well with that to-do list. Believe me, I’ve tried every app that I could get. And, at first, it was like I am channeling Kara Danvers, the Supergirl. Like I can do everything, submit the report on time, and help the people in need, and fly, and get my bosses coffee and bring it to her on time after I used my heat vision. Unfortunately, I don’t have that superpower.

So, what I do is, I use google calendar instead. When I’m at work, I always make sure that my google calendar is on my computer main screen. So that I could see my schedule on specific dates. Besides, it has a calendar alarm with a snooze function whenever I have a very important thing to do like, water the plants, lol.

2. Boil tap water to drink

I stopped buying drinking water from the refilling station last month. It started from a video that I watched on Facebook where one of my friends shared their experience after seeing “wrigglers” or mosquito larvae, or “kiti-kiti” inside their mineral water jug. After that, I realized that I should start to make my drinking water. So instead of buying, I boil tap water for 2–3 minutes to make it safe to drink. Knowing that I did on my own gives me peace of mind that the water I drink is safe.

3. Always bring condom

Okay, I know what’s on your mind but I want you to hear me out first. Condoms have many uses. I include them on my survival kits because we don’t know what would happen to us anytime. It can be an expandable water container as it can hold up to 2 liters of water if you happen to be trapped somewhere when there is a water source but you don’t have anything to get it. It can also be used as a crude rubber glove if you have to deal with any first aid situations to avoid infections from someone else’s blood. It can also help you to start a fire or help your essential items dry like cellphones and money. For more info, check this out:

4. Use powder to get an instant pouty lip

Some of the girls I know love to make their lips pouty to have that Angelina Jolie’s or Kylie Jenner’s look. And based on my research pouty lips make women look more attractive than those who have narrow lips. So what I do every time I put on my lipstick is that I dab powder on my lips to make it feel fuller. And after that, for the finishing touch, I apply Lucas Papaw lip balm, and voila!

5. Essential oils for indoor plants

For my plants that I bought from the GoldLeaf PH I use a cap of my Thieves Household cleaner to clean my indoor plants leaves. It also encourages your plant to grow in the early stages. Just fill it with water in a 16 oz spray bottle and you’re good to go.




“I love self-publishing. I want to share my thoughts, personal experiences, and why I do what I do. I want to tell the world my euphoria.”